Vitamin D Enhances The Effects Of Asthma Treatment

Vitamin D Enhances The Effects Of Asthma Treatment

Vitamins are benefic for your body and they come with many advantages. But scientists continue to discover new things about them even now. A recent British study discovered that vitamin D supplements can halve the risk of severe asthma attacks…
6 Delicious Foods That Are Rich In Vitamin D

6 Delicious Foods That Are Rich In Vitamin D

Besides helping to develop bones, vitamin D ensures a good functioning of the body and has a beneficial role in the process of slimming. Sun exposure helps the body to produce it, but it can also be obtained by eating…
Vitamin D Benefits For The Main Systems Of The Body

Vitamin D Benefits For The Main Systems Of The Body

Vitamin D is produced by the skin after exposure to sun rays that contain ultraviolet B light. It is extremely important for the absorption and fixation of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and for the formation and maintenance of…
Vitamin D Best Facts That You Need to Know

Vitamin D Best Facts That You Need to Know

Vitamin D is extremely important for the human body as it is responsible for the absorption of calcium, magnesium, phosphate and others. It is also recommended to patients older patients together with calcium to prevent fractures. Also, nutritional rickets and…