Researchers Discovered What Brain Processes Occur During Sleep

Researchers Discovered What Brain Processes Occur During Sleep

A science team from the University of Cambridge and the Imperial College of London, and led by a Spanish researcher discovered what processes occur in the brain during sleep. The study’s results have been recently published on the MedicalXpress online journal by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).

Researchers have studied the neurons connections during sleep

Scientists have analyzed the processes occurring with memories during the phase of slow sleep. To do this, they stimulated neurons in lab mice.

The science team came to the conclusion that during the slow wave sleep phase, the connections between neurons that contain real information become stronger, and those that are mediated by less important data are weakened and disappear.

“Depending on the experience of the person and its significance, the size of the corresponding neural connections varies,” says the chief author of the work, Ana Gonzalez Rueda, a researcher at the University of Cambridge.

The observed neurons connections pattern helps the brain store important information

According to Rueda, this mechanism prevents the overexcitement of the nervous system. In addition, thus the brain is able to store important information for a long time without losing data.

“Although the brain has an extraordinary amount of memory, maintaining neuronal connections and their activity requires a lot of energy. It is much more effective to preserve only what is needed,” explained Dr. Rueda.

This analysis is a premiere in this field and offers precious data about the electrophysiological system during sleep, opening new roads for further research by implementing a new method of investigating live synaptic connections.

Researchers planned to continue the research

Now, researchers have set the goal to study the outcomes of the newly discovered brain activity during the other phases of sleep.

“In addition to the analysis of the slow wave phase, it could be interesting to know what happens in the REM phase, during which dreams occur,” explained Rueda, referring to the further objectives of her science team.


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