Nuclear-Powered Spacecraft Could Become a Reality in the US by 2027

Nuclear-Powered Spacecraft Could Become a Reality in the US by 2027

Let’s face it, space travel is like the ultimate road trip, and we’re all stuck in a clunky old station wagon. Sure, it gets us where we need to go, but it’s slow, uncomfortable, and let’s not even get started on the lack of entertainment options. Can you even imagine a long space journey without a Netflix binge? The horror!

But seriously, if we want to explore the vast wonders of the universe and discover new galaxies, planets, and maybe even alien life, we need some serious upgrades to our spacecraft technology. I mean, imagine being able to zip around the cosmos like you’re cruising down the freeway on a brand-new sports car. That’s the future we need.

Think about it, faster spacecraft would mean we could cover more distance in less time, explore more of the universe and gather more data, and who knows what kind of incredible discoveries we could make. And let’s not forget, faster spacecraft would also mean we could have more efficient space missions, which would save money and resources in the long run.

But the solution could be closer to us than we might have thought, and it may lie in spacecraft powered by nuclear fuel.

NASA will team up with DARPA

NASA will have a hot new ride in town, and it’s supposed to take us to the stars! But before you start packing your bags and stocking up on freeze-dried ice cream, let me give you a little heads-up. This concept spacecraft is powered by nuclear fission, and it’s set to blast by 2027.

Can you imagine a trip to Mars in just four months, for instance? That could become a reality if the plan for the nuclear-powered spacecraft works.

But it’s not just about the speed; this new technology also means that our astronaut friends will be spending less time exposed to deep space radiation, and it will also require fewer supplies, like food and other cargo, during the trip. It’s a win-win situation.

NASA will be partnering with the U.S. military’s research and development agency, DARPA, to put the plan into action, according to CTV News.


Even since he was a child, Cristian was staring curiously at the stars, wondering about the Universe and our place in it. Today he's seeing his dream come true by writing about the latest news in astronomy. Cristian is also glad to be covering health and other science topics, having significant experience in writing about such fields.

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