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Yunnan Baiyao: Can It Treat Cancer?

Yunnan Baiyao: Can It Treat Cancer?

Despite the undeniable advancements that humanity has been through in recent decades when it comes to science in general and medicine in particular, cancer remains the second-leading cause of death on the planet. A number of roughly 10 million people…
Mounjaro vs. Trulicity: A Quick Comparison

Mounjaro vs. Trulicity: A Quick Comparison

Mounjaro is one of the diabetes medications that has also shown some level of potential for helping the patient lose weight. Also known as Tirzepatide, the Mounjaro medication is used in the case of those who suffer from type 2…
5 Main Causes For High Blood Sugar

5 Main Causes For High Blood Sugar

In this article, we will explore five of the main reasons for which high blood sugar refuses to come down. Check them out below. Main reasons for high blood sugar and its refusal to drop Dehydration is the very first…
Colon Cancer: New Genetic Risks Identified

Colon Cancer: New Genetic Risks Identified

Colon cancer is a terrible disease that triggers nightmares in everyone’s minds. Now, experts seem to have discovered new genetic factors that can trigger the health issue. Check out the latest details below. Colon cancer new risks addressed Researchers at…
Dopamine Detox Benefits: Why You May Need One?

Dopamine Detox Benefits: Why You May Need One?

Dopamine, sometimes known as the ‘feel good’ molecule, is a term that you have definitely come across more than a few times. But what about going through a dopamine withdrawal? Dopamine is released when we experience pleasure, so almost anything…