Tissue and Organs Could Be Healthy Again With This Amazing Nanochip Device

Tissue and Organs Could Be Healthy Again With This Amazing Nanochip Device

Wouldn’t it be perfect if every disease, illness or infection could be healed immediately just by placing a device on the problematic area? Well, probably this was the idea scientists had in mind when they started to shape the new device which can heal the tissue just by touching it.

The nanochip device is a step forward in the medicine and technology worlds and its purpose is to work with the cells in order to replace the problematic tissue or the organs. The nanochip device is called TNT and no, it isn’t related in any way with the explosive. The term actually stands from “Tissue Nanotransfection” and even though it hasn’t been tested on humans yet, only on pigs and mice, the results have always been satisfactory and encouraging.

The ones who did this great job are from the Ohio State University and they said that the way this device works is very simple. It is placed on the skin and then, just by using an electrical field, genes are transferred to the compromised tissue. Newly created cells are then ready to function in the body.

While experimenting on animals, the team reported progress in only a week. For example, in an experiment, where the leg was the injured body part, they reprogrammed skin cells to become vascular ones so that the animal’s leg could function again. And this really happened after a week.

They did the same with mice that managed to recover after having a stroke.

The key of the study’s success is the fact that the created cells are able to become almost any kind of cells because they are pluripotent stem cells. So the study could go even further. It is only clear that it hasn’t reached an end yet. The nanochip device takes only a few seconds to work its magic and the researchers are hoping that they could try the technique on human bodies too.


Anna is an avid blogger with an educational background in medicine and mental health. She is a generalist with many other interests including nutrition, women's health, astronomy and photography. In her free time from work and writing, Anna enjoys nature walks, reading, and listening to jazz and classical music.

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