The Role of Healthcare in Increasing Survival Rates

The Role of Healthcare in Increasing Survival Rates

The progressing times have made room for advancements in every area. Technology, science, businesses, everything is evolving at an unprecedented rate. What’s not left behind in this race are growing medical problems and diseases. Over time, new and more fatal health issues have emerged that are life-threatening for people experiencing them. Recipients of these conditions have become terminally ill or have to live through chronic health problems that stay with them for life. But fortunately, the field of medicine and healthcare has evolved simultaneously to respond to them with vigor.

Individuals dealing with medical issues such as diabetes, blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems often pick them up from environmental factors. The updated lifestyles and practices like unhealthy diets or sluggish way of living generally cause them.

Additionally, habits like smoking or drinking are equally likely to make you more receptive to them. Besides that, injuries caused by accidents can result in leaving people impaired for life.

Also, there are several genetic or birth disorders that result in health complications. They can cause heart and lung problems or could be a mental condition that hinders a person’s way of leading life. But the most serious amongst these concerns could be mutations resulting in cancers. If caught in the early stages, there are chances and possibilities to fight them off. However, given the opportunity to metastasize, cancer can slowly consume the life of the patient suffering from it. It’s a heart-wrenching experience to witness cancer patients survive through sessions of chemotherapy and hang onto life by a string of hope.

Professionals serving in the healthcare industry can empathize with these patients best. Considering that they spend most of their time near them, it isn’t hard for them to imagine the pain. That is why it’s the most dedicated sector in trying to come up with solutions and alternatives to help tackle them.

They actively work to explore options that could aid a patient’s condition and relieve them of their agony. It is a part of their job to address patient’s concerns and strategically work towards solving them using their advanced knowledge and in-depth understanding of human anatomy.

The attempt of doctors to overcome these challenges enabled millions of people to survive these difficult times. The cutting-edge medical procedures and complex composition of the medication acts as life support to their health. People are not only able to fend them off or resist them, but also fully recover from them. And all the credit for gifting these new chances to live goes to the dedicated people working in the healthcare industry.

Undoubtedly, covering the costs of these treatments is a huge obstacle. But luckily enough, insurances are a big help in this area. You can expect to cover medical as well as non-medical costs of illness using them and get the best possible care to improve. Since encountering these health issues is not rare, it serves in your interests to revise your health plans and make changes accordingly.

Given that you have your expenses sorted, healthcare professionals have you medically covered and are diligently working to increase your chances of survival. Here is a slightly detailed outline of their roles through which they achieve them.


No one could have imagined regenerating nerve structures or putting a human body together using screws and plates. But fortunately, this is the stage to which medicine has evolved.

There are times that you come across textbook cases, and it’s easy to solve those using well-defined methods. However, in this field, not every situation is as simple and conventional as others. Sometimes, you have to look for ways around medical problems by digging deep. It is when you have to go through past medical records and data and remodify them to present an original idea.

It is risky and might be hard to accomplish, but medicine is a field where professionals play God to save the life of their patients, after all.


Therapy is a recently emerged branch of medicine, but it is rapidly gaining popularity. There are mainly two types, physical and mental, but each holds their specific importance and contribution to medicine.

Physical therapy is needed when patients are trying to regain muscle movement or recover from an accident resulting in indefinite paralysis. It sounds simple, but people used to being completely functional can lose their wits over a small disability. That is why it’s so crucial to improving recovery and survival rates.

Mental therapy, on the other hand, is way more intricate but is necessary nonetheless. It helps people regain their sanity and regularly connect with the world. Hence, providing them with new opportunities to lead a different life.


Besides coming up with methods to increase the chances of survival using surgeries, drugs, and medication is another area of focus for healthcare. You can’t expect to overcome every medical problem with invasive medical procedures. There are eras that you will have to endure them instead. Heart and breathing problems are the best examples of these conditions where you can’t expect to help patients besides offering them support.

In such cases, the healthcare industry plays a role in helping patients by suggesting suitable drugs to minimize the effects of illness. It might only be a temporary solution, but it helps ease the suffering and makes them fit for leading a considerably normal.

Also, these drugs help resist the progress of a medical condition. Thus, resulting in improving the survival rates of patients while dealing with them.


The entire healthcare industry is indebted to the field of research for its progress. People may fail to realize this, but every medical advancement and achievement is a result of it. Competent individuals exploring various possibilities in this area led them to come across all these solutions.

Because of its growing necessity and demand, research is no longer limited to doctors, but even advanced practicing nurses can lead teams into it. That has given more room for growth and refining existing medical procedures while aiming to fend off the newer problems. Its substantial contribution is what prepares doctors against the worst and enables them to increase survival rates for patients.


In a nutshell, healthcare has given people a fighting chance that they need to survive in the face of severe medical problems. It helps broaden the scope of options and enables them to take charge of their health. By offering to choose the best course of action, doctors give them hope of life. And thanks to their expertise, they maximize chances of survival even under intimidating circumstances, which is why their role is so crucial.


Jeffrey likes to write about health and fitness topics, being a champion fitness instructor in the past.

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