When Will The Flu Season Peak In 2018 And What Can You Do To Stay Safe?

When Will The Flu Season Peak In 2018 And What Can You Do To Stay Safe?

As the summertime is diminishing, people start longing for the fun stuff that accompanies the colder weather, such as scooping up pumpkins at Halloween, drinking apple cider and hot chocolate during the winter, or wearing those new and nice coats you bought. However, autumn and winter come with something that’s not fun at all. We’re talking about the flu season which usually peaks during late-autumn until the spring comes.

Flu season is approaching, and even though it’s a terrifying prospect, staying well-informed can prevent you from catching the virus. You must learn the basics, such as facts about the flu vaccine and when influenza season is at a peak.

You can catch the flu at any point throughout the year, and the perfect example in this regard is the recent case of an Emirate plane that flew to New York from Dubai and was placed in quarantine for an apparent flu outbreak that hit up to 100 individuals.

When the flu season will peak in 2018 and what can you do to maintain healthily?

There is undoubtedly a time when there is a reduced risk of contracting influenza and a period when the chances are the highest. Usually, the flu season begins in October and lasts until May.

The months when flu is at its maximum are December, January, February, and March, based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which analyzes influenza activity from 1982 to 2018. February, however, is by far the worst month in a regular flu season.

On the other hand, October and November have a relatively shallow flu activity level and, only in December, influenza starts affecting more and more persons.

If worried, you should know that you can avoid catching the flu by being vaccinated against influenza at the right moment. As the weather gets colder and we move closer to the peak of the flu season, you will be noticing more ads for flu vaccine which will be widely distributed. The flu vaccine is the number one defense against influenza, the CDC claims.


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