The Best Brain Hacks To Get Rid Of Anxiety

The Best Brain Hacks To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Anxiety is very harmful to every part of your body. However, it starts at the brain level, so we can tackle it while it’s limited to our mind before it starts affecting other organs. Anxiety is making you feel like super-stressed, so you have to address this issue as soon as possible, and, luckily, there are a few methods to diminish its effects. Accordingly, here are the best brain hacks to get rid of anxiety.

“Neurologically speaking, anxiety occurs when there is an over-activation of cortisol and adrenaline pumping through the nervous system. Our bodies have an innate stress response designed to protect us from danger, so we produce these hormones in response to any perceived emotional or physical threat,” said psychotherapist Robyn Gold, cited by Bustle.

The Best Brain Hacks To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Deep Breathing Techniques

“One of the fastest, easiest and often most effective ways is to learn to take slow deep breaths. Deep breaths from the diaphragm will help you take in more oxygen, slow your heart rate down and relax your muscles,” said Joshua Klapow.


Meditation is vital for tackling anxiety and one of the best brain hacks to get rid of anxiety. It can help you bring your brain back to its normal state from the effects the stress has on your mind. “Meditating is a good way to reduce feelings of anxiety,” said Chirag Shah, MD.

Avoid caffeine

Coffee is excellent for everyone, except the case you’re suffering from anxiety.

“Cut down on caffeine. Many people love their regular coffee, but coffee is a stimulant that can increase feelings of anxiety. If you are having symptoms of anxiety, try backing off of your coffee intake. Even decaf coffee can make you more anxious,” said Dr. Shah for the Bustle.

Keep yourself focused

Another one of the best brain hacks to get rid of anxiety is to keep your mind focused on the present. When anxious, you might tend to conclude about the feature and, mostly, these are grim thoughts.

“Focus on the ‘what is’ not the ‘what if.’ Anxiety often comes from thinking too far ahead and losing sight of what’s happening in the here and now. In using this technique, try asking yourself if what you’re anxious about is really happening right here and now or if it’s something that may or may not happen,” said Dr.Robyn Gold.


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