Women Who Sleep Better Experience This Unexpected Change

Women Who Sleep Better Experience This Unexpected Change

It’s been just revealed that women who sleep better are experiencing this unexpected change in their behavior. Check out the latest reports below.

Better sleep leads to increased ambition

According to the latest reports, women who have higher quality sleep are more likely to be ambitious, a new study has found.

It’s been just revealed that a two-week survey by researchers at Washington State University (WSU), sleep quality can have a major impact on women’s mood and views on career progression. On the other hand, the same was not true for men.

According to official reports, the lead author Leah Sheppard explained that the results could prompt women to impose better workplace boundaries or improve their sleep.

“When women are getting a good night’s sleep and their mood is boosted, they are more likely to be oriented in their daily intentions toward achieving status and responsibility at work,” she said.

She continued and said this:

“If their sleep is poor and reduces their positive mood, then we saw that they were less oriented toward those goals.”

The author revealed the following as well:

“It’s important to be able to connect aspirations to something happening outside the work environment that is controllable. There are lots of things that anyone can do to have a better night’s sleep and regulate mood in general.”

Less sleep is unhealthy

A new study is warning that getting less than 5 hours of sleep every night may be harmful to your health in the long run. 

European researchers found that having less than six hours of sleep every night was associated with an increased risk of obtaining several chronic diseases.

Peer-reviewed research conducted on over 8,000 British civil service workers at ages 50, 60, and 70 over an average of 25 years found low sleep duration to be related with the emergence of chronic disease and multimorbidity.

Rada Mateescu

Passionate about freedom, truth, humanity, and subjects from the science and health-related areas, Rada has been blogging for about ten years, and at Health Thoroughfare, she's covering the latest news on these niches.

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