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Best Drinks With Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Best Drinks With Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Drinking alcohol and having a glass of wine might help you relax after a long day at work, but it’s not good for your body. Alcohol can cause inflammation, which is the root of many diseases. Here are 5 drinks…
Why All Runners Should Try Water Running

Why All Runners Should Try Water Running

Running in water is a great way to add variety to your exercise routine. Running in water may help you run faster and farther, improve your cardiovascular health, burn more calories and reduce muscle soreness after exercise. The Benefits of…
7 Benefits of Foot Massage and Reflexology to Athletes

7 Benefits of Foot Massage and Reflexology to Athletes

Athletes are in their prime of peak performance. Their bodies experience the most wear and tear due to their sports, which is why it’s so important to keep ourselves in tip-top shape, both physically and mentally. If you’re feeling sluggish…
Diabetes Medicine Could Help Obese Persons Lose Weight

Diabetes Medicine Could Help Obese Persons Lose Weight

A research found that persons with obesity who took a diabetes medicine lost significant amounts of weight. Experts believe that a weekly injection of tirzepatide might have a profound impact on the game. Experts have lauded this as a “game-changing”…